New Year, New Owner, Same Great Team!
As many of you already know, The Knee Joint is now powered by a new parent company - JOUR-KNEE Inc whose owner is Danielle Sartori, DPT, PT, CSCS. Dr. Sartori and her team are thankful for being a part of such a wonderful community and for you trusting us with your care. We asked Dr. Sartori, three questions about her thoughts on this new Jour-knee. Her answers are below.
Dr. Danielle Sartori PT, DPT, CSCS (Clinic Owner | Program Design | Assessment Specialist), Camille Jouzeau (AA-T Kinesiology | Physical Therapy Aide), Maggie Smith ( Front Office | Client Experience Coordinator)
"Congratulations and I wish you all the best with this new venture. I've known you for a long time during different addresses, different employees, different clients, different gatherings and celebrations. But most of all, I've seen you working with me and getting me back to health."
- Alan L.
Q1: After the changeover in ownership announcement came out we heard from a number of regular patients and members of your team. Everyone was very supportive of this transition. You’ve been a constant source of support for patients, a leader in the local Physical Therapy (PT) community and a coach out in the field for a while now. What is your favorite part about coaching patients and athletes applying PT principles?
I enjoy creating smarter lifelong athletes of all ages, from youths to seniors. I always try to teach them to listen to their bodies in terms of what it needs. For example more strength, more flexibility, or more rest. I also enjoy providing athletes with corrective exercises to address their problem areas and imbalances created by sport, then helping them achieve recovery, balance, and success.
Danielle lifting Camille
“Every so often, we come across special people who impact our life. Thank you to these two amazing women for guiding me and encouraging me in the pursuit of my dream, thank you for inspiring me to become the woman and professional I want to be, and finally thank you for bringing positivity, sarcasms and laughter into my American life.”
- Camille J about Danielle & Maggie
Q2: You were recently featured in a book about leadership by Alison Conigliaro-Hubbard, Lessons in Life and Leadership. Tell us more about what the transition to owner has been like for you and your team?
Being the lead and only Phyiscal Therapist at The Knee Joint, as well as the owner of JOUR-KNEE, Inc. has taught me how important having a great team around you can be. Very quickly, I learned that I need to delegate some tasks and rely on the help and support of my team every day.
Q 3. What are you looking forward to most during this coming year in the PT world?
With physical therapy having direct access in the state of California I really want to get the word out to the Marin County community that they can self-refer to Physical Therapy. This way we can address problems when they begin versus when they get bad enough that someone seeks the help of a medical professional. Coming to PT for an ache or mild pain is much easier than for severe pain or waiting until you need medical intervention such as injections or surgery. So come in for a tune up before your break down.
We are motivated by serving you and our enduring connections. Dr. Sartori and her team are looking forward to continuing to help you get healthier, get stronger and perform better during your Jour-knee with us and in life!