Have You Been Diagnosed With Knee Arthritis? Now What?

Have you been diagnosed with knee arthritis? If so, now what?

Here is some important information you need to know about knee arthritis:

  • When it comes to the diagnosis of knee arthritis, you are not alone. Did you know that knee osteoarthritis is one of the top 10 leading causes of global disability, with nearly 5% of the population in the US burdened by this diagnosis. Disability is not only due to the pain and symptoms from arthritis, but the overall decrease in activity levels can lead to heart and lung disease as well as diabetes. 

  • Knee osteoarthritis is not just a disease for the elderly, the median age of diagnosis is 55 years old. 

  • Knee arthritis is graded on a scale of 0-4. If you reach grade 4 arthritis it is typically addressed with a joint replacement surgery.

  • Arthritis can occur in one or all three compartments of the knee medial (inside), lateral (outside), and patellofemoral (knee cap and thigh bone). 

  • You may be a candidate for a partial knee replacement (one of the three compartments) or a total knee replacement (all three compartments)

  • The Knee Joint Team can help you anywhere along this continuum from initial diagnosis all the way through your total knee replacement. We can customize an exercise program to your current abilities and help you get back to the activities you love to do. 


What Is Platelet Rich Plasma, And Will It Help My Knee Pain?


Part 5: What Can The Knee Joint Do To Reduce Your Knee Pain And Symptoms?