3 Reasons Why Prehab Is Important Before Knee Ligament Surgery


Torn ligament(s) in the knee are common in trauma accidents and sports injuries. With sports the injuries often occur with impact and sudden change of direction like soccer, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, and downhill skiing.

1. Time is Important


The time from diagnosis a surgery is typically 2-4 (+) weeks, and this time is important. This is where your relationship with your physical therapist should begin.

2. Prepare Your Body & Knee for Surgery in Prehab


Prehabilitation (Prehab) physical therapy has been defined as β€œthe process of enhancing functional capacity of the individual to enable them to withstand the stressors of inactivity.” This is your opportunity to prepare your body and knee for surgery. You can do this by minimizing the effects of the injury with R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, and elevation); prepare for a successful reconstruction by recovering range of motion (ROM) and maximizing strength around the affected joint; and keeping your core and upper body strong to prep for use of crutches and to ease with mobility when you have decrease use of your operated leg. Prehab can offer significant advantages, especially to athletes who plan to return to sport after surgery.

3. Maximize Your Success

The Knee Joint Maximize Your Success

This time also give you the opportunity to prep for post-op by making sure you have appropriate room to move around your house, prepare food and place it in the freezer, pick up and loose rugs and extension cords to remover tripping hazards, and set up rides for friend and family to your first few appointments. Preparation will maximize the success of your recovery and rehab after knee surgery.

Here at The Knee Joint our specialists are ready to help you start your journey to knee recovery.


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