Do I Need To Address My Meniscus Tear With Surgery?
The following five key factors will help you and your medical team decide if you need to address your meniscus tear with surgery: where the tear is located, what caused the tear, what type of tear and how large it is, plus your symptoms, age and activity level. Lets review these elements below.

What Type Of Graft Should I Choose For My ACL Reconstruction Surgery?
So, you’ve injured your ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and you’re considering reconstruction surgery, and now you need to learn more about types of grafts that are available and what type is right for you. When it comes to ACL reconstruction surgery you have two main options, autograft and allograft.

3 Reasons Why Prehab Is Important Before Knee Ligament Surgery
Torn ligament(s) in the knee are common in trauma accidents and sports injuries. With sports the injuries often occur with impact and sudden change of direction like soccer, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, and downhill skiing.